ICCW Network (Independent Comic Creators Worldwide) was in 2009 by Randy Taylor, an indy comic book publisher. His goal was to bring together the worlds indy comic book creators so that they could network and create together. This venture was a success!
Now with over 2700 members on the Facebook Page, we are creating a web presence that will be a tool for those creators to desplay and promote themselves so that they can connect with other creators on a Members Only basis.
Each member will be listed on our Network Members page with a link to a digital porfolio or how they can be contacted. This list will be split up by Writers, Pencillers, Inkers, Colorists, Letters and Publishers. You will also be able find where they sell their books!
Each Month ICCW Network will feature a creator, where we will display their work and a bio about them. Enjoy the site and when you are looking for someone talented to join their team...this is the place to find them.
Randy Taylor - Owner